The Nokia N8: does not flow

The new flagship handset of Nokia invests features and capabilities, but neglects its ease of use and the most important thing: fun
I do not use smartphones regularly. This fact can be a bit puzzling when it comes to writing technology, but I admit wireless device that I use everyday is just an old phone of Nokia (4 or 5, I think) who mainly receive calls and send out SMS messages. I used quite a few smartphones, and workplace even gave me a Sammy - smart, but most of the time he was off mode. This is also why I write this review. We decided to look at the Nokia and the Symbian operating system three fresh eyes, as real smartphones Shlshual sometimes hard to relate to the common consumer experience, and one of the primary purposes of Unlocked Today: fun. Yes, fun. This word is vital, in my opinion, when it comes to new devices, including phone calls recently made a minor detail. Unlocked good to have a large touch screen quality, high working speed, intuitive interface that runs with you and you flow with it and ... Fun. These high standards set by Apple with its iPhone Revolution, standards adopted by the time the top of Android. They are also what I expected when I checked the device The new Nokia N8. Tiring already use the title "a flag", but this time, at least until they released the Windows machines Phone 7 about the company announced recently, this device carries the flag of quality company.

Faltering system finds it difficult to cope arena
Unfortunately for the N8, I used it and tried it also use third-generation iPhone (Model 3GS) who happened into my hands. I did use the same two instruments showed me to Symbian, Nokia's operating system, can not fall into line with that of Apple. How much is not elegant like her, not intuitive like her, not pleasant, convenient and quick as she did. The fact that the 3GS was launched in mid 2009, so more is not only outdated but also including less powerful hardware - only emphasizes the failure of Nokia to make the current N8 real challenger in the ring. Symbian on the use of new device demonstrates how more important than "how" than "what", often feels like using a quality car seats that have been installed cheap and simple. True, under the hood may have elements of beauty, but it's hard to appreciate them when using the surface above all - so uncomfortable. The hardware specs of the new machine fine, but not unusual. To N8 ARM11 processor at 667 MHz - Run, 256 MB - MB of internal memory, storage capacity of 16GB (with another slot 32) OLED screen with Multi - Touch, 3.5 ", resolution of 640X360. The highlight of the device is built-in camera from Carl Zeiss, with a 12 megapixel sensor - pixel. Camera creates a small bulge in the back the device, making it a little less elegant. Not that this is the king of beauty - its design a bit boring square, with a screen that occupies almost all the front, except for one small rectangular button on the left bottom. But it is hard to say that its design is something embarrassing or annoying. Not here are the problems of the N8. They also are operating, many of its characteristics. Excuse me I again compare the N8 iPhone, but there is no escape from doing so if you want to test the device in the context of leading smartphones in the market today. While the product of the Apple touch screen is a work of art - sensitive to light touch, but not too sensitive to make the action from skimming produce unintended - in N8 finger must be unequivocal than Belhicatah. We have seen touch screens with a touch worse, but we would expect from a flag a little more. In terms of operating system, however, we would expect a lot more, but what can you say about Symbian is not said? Which is not flexible and intuitive enough? Transition in which the objects in it awkward? She feels sometimes faltering, not light enough? Yes, Symbian 3 version running on the N8, optimized for touch screens. Too bad she's not well adapted to users. 

Click or not click, this question

Take, for example, the option of clicking on the link that appears in the status bar on Facebook or Twitter: While this pressure iPhone browser opens quickly and displays the page in a way that most do not require adjustment later, the N8 has given again and again the feeling that the transition of social media application (it will discuss later) the link in your browser is a complicated task for him. Browser slow transition, and when the link opened - is not automatically adjusted to the appropriate size of the page, but forcing you to play with the screen to adjust the display mode that allows reading. Touch interface, in turn, is not sensitive enough, making it difficult for changes to the exact size of the display. Psychologically, it made me feel that the decision to exploring the link or another should be weighed carefully and think every time this page is reading really worth dealing with something faltering procedure. Another fun thing I like to do with smartphones is to download various applications and experience them. Here too I found a good user experience is much less than he gave me the iPhone, which lay on the table next to the N8. Ovi Store to take too long to load. The same items they squeezed the shop to get details about them. A bit like when you click on links, even using Ovi gives a feeling as if the system is working on something a bit heavy. Achshlze are added problems such as "Ovi store is temporarily unavailable" Download Error message not clear why or how come - it's quite takes the drive to do shopping in this store. When I browse the store also wanted to enter the names of applications, I was surprised that despite Shlmachshir has a virtual keyboard when it is in horizontal position - the keyboard is out QWERTY configuration, but the existing one old phones - where each button has a number-three letters. Only when moving to a horizontal position (the device automatically detects the change in the form of possession) are QWERTY keyboard - again, a ridiculous device flag comes out in 2011 (and that includes such a touch screen, it is not clear what the problem is to provide for a full virtual keyboard). In addition, across from Hebrew to English requires three clicks - not enough to "pull" such commonplace trivial action. Some might say that these small details in a large assembly. For me, it's first - in the Unlocked: Start to give me the basic ground, elementary, obvious - and then ditch. When you build a tall tower of features based on such shaky - not really want to go upstairs. 

N normal Hebrew
Nokia understands that one of the most important things today is connectivity smartphones social networks, so this device comes built with support for Facebook and Twitter. After the user enters his login information for both these networks - appear on a screen device status last lines written by the user's friends to these services, in a reminiscent Pssanoa (ticker) of the clips. Available a feature combination shows the statuses of two services (a nice option), when the user can also choose to click access to one of them. I was surprised to discover a bug with Hebrew application. When I wrote on Facebook Status line including quotes, converted social networking application for Nokia to those signs gibberish strange. "The Ovi Mahrebs you the statuses" I responded Facebook friends (application catering to its credit through written statuses, including Nokia seem happy to push the logo / screen Ovi ahead of where she can). This is not the only place the problem in terms of Hebrew. YouTube application that comes built-in device displays search results opposite Hebrew Hebrew sections. It is unclear how any elementary thing - that slipped under the radar of marketers in the country, showing the animal multimedia device. Media support is expressed in a series of software applications that accept a prominent reference to one of the device home screens and the ability to connect it with HDMI cable television and home, to radiate through her films and play games downloaded to N8 when viewed on the big screen at home. This is perhaps a feature distinguishes the N8 from other devices currently available in the local market (competing devices with a feature that will arrive later this year.) The thing is that this is not a particularly useful tool or something that Unlocked will not be complete without him. Once I realized that the same actions failed N8 of daily use, these capabilities difficult to excite me. Multi-camera even mega - pixels disappointed. The combination of "Carl Zeiss" and "12 Mega - pixel" camera made me see that maybe you can finally be a substitute for regular camera, "real." But I did photography experiments have shown that this: During the day the camera has provided reasonable results but lack definition, wealth, color and lighting. Shooting night in a closed room, showed signs of flash (powerful Xenon flash tune) to the pictures. 

X Factor-free device
A feature most basic of the device - the phone function, the N8 is dignity. Usually devices like Nokia - the audio quality is good. In addition, its internal antenna and is able to hold strong even conversations in places where the iPhone fails. But already agreed that talking is of less interest when it comes Unlocked elaborate. The problems inherent in N8 sharpened for me every time I returned to work with the iPhone 3GS. Stream rather old device with me and gave me a feeling Sahtisozim I move it between applications, gaming sites I surf to come to him easily. More than that - he made sure to provide me with the X Factor I talked about earlier: the fun. Using the iPhone just fun, while it in a rather tedious N8. Prices start at free market ₪ -2200 NIS 4,000 (before promotional calls) for mobile operators - is not clear why anyone would choose him and not just an iPhone or one of smartphones working on Android operating system. May be that the N8 is a worthy addition, but one that runs on an operating system properly. Symbian third just do not meet the standards of today. Let's hope the next generation of Nokia handsets, with the Windows Phone 7 - will stand.


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