HP: betting on hardware

HP unveiled its consumer tablet - the touchpad, and announced two new phones

There is also an accessory keyboard HP attacking Ahtabelttim market. Computing giant has launched tonight (Wednesday) in an incident that took place in San Francisco to the touchpad - the first Tablet PC operating system the company uses WebOS. Unlike PC board Slate, launched last fall and ran the Windows 7, the touchpad is completely consumer tablet, summer is coming to stores. Touchpad for 9.7-inch screen size, 1024x768 resolution. He is working on dual-core processor at 1.2 Gygiahrc includes 512 MB memory. Dimensions are almost identical to the iPad (they even the same thickness), as well as weight - 700 grams. The device connects to a computer loaded by Micro-USB, when he also comes equipped with a front camera (1.3 megapixel) video calls. At HP say that Sulltho 8 hours is enough to use at least. As for the different versions have to Touchpad - as in the case of the iPad, here are versions of 16 or 32 Gygiahbeittim, will support only in WiFi or WiFi connectivity in mobile. The WiFi version will ship first, followed by generation 3G version 4 of the device. Among the accessories it will launch Palm keyboard device status can be found, covering a version of the Touchstone - a charge induction has been presented with the first Pre. Enough to put the device on a charger, and he begins to load. His new version, the Touchstone HP also lets devices talk to each other. So, if you put it WebOs based mobile phone, they can share information wirelessly with other devices on your home WebOS. Among other things, you can read SMS messages from your phone on the tablet, to share their links with the click to call from the board even when the conversation is routed over the phone.

Video calls? Sure, why not?
It's a phone or a toy?
Pre also gets a new model The second device launched today HP's event is a new mobile phone series Pre. According to John Rubinstein - Former Palm CEO who emigrated to HP, currently, most mobile phones are going in one direction, higher. In HP understands, he says, uniform size does not fit all, so they decided to introduce an entire family. The Veer is a tiny phone, the size of a credit card. This 3.5G slider with full keyboard, 8 gigabytes of memory, processor Ssanapdregion at 800 Mgiahrc, Wifi motion sensor / light / proximity. Fully functional phone of WebOS - Palm OS, which constituted one of the main reasons to acquire the company. The phone will be available in the spring. But you can not deal in the cellular market today with only a tiny phone, so HP launches also the Pre3. This is a screen 3.6 inches (480x800 resolution), double support both in GSM and in CDMA, 5-megapixel camera, Front camera, processor Ssanapdregion 1.4 Gygiahrc, and 8 or 16 gigabytes of memory. The device will be available this summer.

All in the operating system
HP renews the program
Share materials through the stone
WebOS operating system, based on the devices, was presented by the Palm company the first time at CES in January 2009. Last year, after the device first to use it - the name Palm Cell Phone Pre - did not become a commercial success that you can take the Palm out of the mud, the company was sold to HP. It also decided to continue the line of Palm telephony products at the same time exploit the system to produce a worthy competitor to Apple's iPad. WebOS to relatively few unique features. The first is a very deep integration - much more than that of Android or iOS - with social networks, which are the basis of the "phone book" (used a lot more phone numbers) of devices. The second is full support Abmulttitaskynge efficient, designed not to slow down the device over the dozens of applications open simultaneously. WebOS2.1 - new version of the system, shown tonight, is the most important launched, it said Jon Rubinstein. Among other things, it allows synchronization information into account in any devices that use it, so you will not have to update accounts and on any device. In addition, special versions of structured applications such as email and gallery, built to effectively use the screen in the tablet. After the combined problems flash system, version 2.1 seems to work well. Other innovations include the ability to determine the size of the virtual keyboard on the device, the ability to post messages on Twitter search bar built into the operating system, support social networking online galleries and photo sharing sites within the built-in Gallery application, wireless printing, and also to better support the games.


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