IPhone mini : for real this time?

According to reports, Apple is working on a cheaper version of iPhone device, and technology Stiitar Sim Cards

IPhone Mini - rumors repeated. Bloomberg news agency reported, based on its sources, that Apple is working on a cheaper version of its mobile phone, iPhone. According to the report, the purpose of this device - if he gets to market - will compete with cheap phones - compared based on Android operating system from Google. Bloomberg's sources maintain that Apple is considering selling the device in 200 dollars, that's no obligation operator. The current iPhone is sold in the United States at between 200 and 300 dollars, but only with commitment to a cellular company. However, Bloomberg qualifications, saying that although at first the company planned to launch the new iPhone in the middle of the year, but today the arrival of the device market is not certain at all, only considered in internal discussions, as he himself is in the prototype. In addition, two sources told Bloomberg that Apple is working on technology that would enable easier use iPhone multiple networks. This is further confirmation of the rumor a few months ago, which states that Apple is working on the ability to integrate iPhone SIM card information itself, the device can store several virtual SIM cards and switch between networks.


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