Leo: Who will save the lifeguard?

Failed to provide technical support to software title, reminds Help By Leo especially the annoying paper clip Office

Remember the "shell" of Office? The illustration of a fastener that pops on the screen and offers help when we were using Word? This tool was part of a feature included in versions of Office Assistant "Office 97" to "Office 2003." Unlike the original vocation, is more Nigel's help, when Akpicutio superfluous different timing ("I recognize that you are writing a letter. Need help?") Mainly caused users to search their own closing button instead to use his services. Lottery XP in "Microsoft has made a feature to its default one that is to be turned off at Lottery 2007" is already removed it completely, even humorously referred to his unpopularity. 

Who needs support for Facebook?
Now offers a start - up an Israeli named Kryon System a "shell" of his own. This time, called Leo, and he did not clip. In fact, it lacks character. Who will remove the software Help By Leo ("Leo" is an acronym for Learn, Evolve, Operate) and operate it receives a text box reminiscent of that of search engines, which appears on the screen goes away by order (as opposed to non-named guest from Microsoft). Leo's quest (and the emphasis here is on "desire") is to make Web browsing and using different applications easy. This by providing operational questions answered in several different operations related software title. Leo even offers to make them himself, while a user sitting at the computer and let it do the work. Kryon company ensures Leo Systems is expected to be useful in a long line of software, but this time the list in which he handles is very limited: in 1997 and 2010 versions of Office, iTunes software, the Firefox browser social network Facebook. It combined a little strange, because while the Office suite actually has some complicated and full of software and sub-options - options, Firefox is a browser just weighed the options that control. ITunes, as befits a product of Apple, is quite intuitive software. Facebook is a place where most of us spend all - so long, most likely we already know how to do what we need. Maybe we could convince more rationale of the software - after all, it never hurts to have anyone who could give a quick answer to the question of our operating costs - if it would work properly. When we tried to bump the Leo and ask him some questions, we realized it was better to continue to make use of the standard Help files. They at least did not purport to give something that they can not provide. 

What is not understood Bottom Line?
The use of Leo We started with very basic questions which we think. Foxy computers do not really need help to solve problems is demonstrated, so we tried to simulate using fresh green, the kind who really need help is given in a friendly manner. First try we were surprised to discover that "Yao" We have difficulty answering the most basic things. "How to put an underline under the text in Word?", We typed (in English, of course). Under question were a "Search Results" none of them related to our specific query. "Set Default Font", "Check spelling and grammar", "Create Link" and related options for formatting text maybe, but not the specific option we were looking for. We chose to test one experiential non-related options are. Well, say, "how to underline" the "actually meant that the counting words in the document." After selecting one of the user receives bids two options: "The way to me" or "Do it." When you click the first option, appears on the screen panel with a written answer. Meanwhile, a woman's voice reading her digital (wait, that's Leo there, or Leora?). When you click the second option, going on what happened before - just after then the software tries to also perform the operation herself. Its icon flashes next to the mouse cursor for a long time, the top menu of Word (version 2010) moved then ... Get an error message: "Oops .. Leo did not find the window, counting words." Is it may be because our Rose interface in Hebrew rather than English, while the software is customized just foreign interface?

Where's the next step?
We moved up. Asked Leo of total to know how you can delete a member from the list. Again, we received back line options related to the query was not sent: the number of answers on privacy settings, and for dessert: "How to delete a Facebook profile." Zrmanu with Leo again for the experience, marked one of the answers suggested, to see what happens when he takes the wheel and try to change something on his own. We chose one of the options offered ("Define who can see posts of friends") and let him perform the task himself. At first it seemed that he was unable to get along. Arrow moves on the screen, enters his own settings, took a moment to ask we confirm Charley C. - a fact highlighted Box and we approved this, he gave the impression he was going to do the job. So to appear on the screen more "Oops." This time, "Leo did not find the next step." At this stage of our new relationship with Leo began to look doubtful. Still, we wanted to give him another chance and asked social networking "how to open a facebook event." What a great wonder was presented options roots was the same as we received the previous facebook query. She was not relevant then, and is not relevant now. Again we chose the result is not related to see how it will run with her ("How do Unlike stand"), which was the first time is more or less well managed. After the digestive process and our patience a little too slow, the software could get its own list of pages they have marked the past Like. "Do you see the page that you want to do Unlike?" Asked Leo. Marked so, and he instructed us on which button to push to do so. We signed the test with Firefox. We chose to ask Leo how the program can delete the cookies, those files remember which sites we wandered. Although we did that in several different ways, to our surprise once again we all unrelated options query in any way, including one that meets all of Facebook, even though we wrote specifically "Firefox." It was also the stage where we gave up and decided to part with a final master Leo friends. Still, query all - so clearly, with such a simple request that includes well-known concept of specific individual - should not be a problem the software pretends to run the kind of sophisticated artificial intelligence, declares on its website FAQ that "Yao understands your query" and defines the product as such that "It revolutionized the way people interact with computers."

Effectively discarded fastener
At the end of this test was our feeling that "Yao" is no more a collection of FAQ is lacking. It is unclear if the content we were looking for does not exist and its data base or is just having trouble connecting it to queries issued by a user, but it does not matter. End consumer, Help By Leo just does not help. Too bad, because there may be room for such a tool. Is perhaps less need software like Firefox iTunes, but from the "Leo" that will focus on office products to Lnbeachiam (and lots of them) - could be helpful to users of this complex software package. Either way, if the effectiveness of the "Leo" will not pass the most significant upgrade, one day he will wake up and find himself lying next to the clip with eyes who calls himself a "shell."


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