Google : Blames Bing in copying Results!

Google officials it accused Microsoft of its search engine - Bing, copying Google search results
Does Microsoft use Google's results to improve its search engine - Bing? Google thinks so. The company, single member Matt Coates, publicly accused - through the blog Search Engine Land - the Microsoft that it uses the data provided by the Google search engine when trying to decide on the relevance of pages. This was done after an investigation of more than six months, during which Google tried to verify these allegations.To examine the allegations, the company has built a mechanism which allows it to rank relevance of certain search results pages by hand (since the mechanism was removed), linked the 100 strings of random letters and 100 results. Previous to this link, put these strings are 0 results on Google and Bing, or raised by the results did not clearly related.Google engineers have been sent home on December 17 with a request to start looking for the strings in Google and click on the first result, using the browser Microsoft Internet Explorer, Bing's toolbar. Google suspected that through these programs receive two Microsoft information about what people search for on Google, and links to them are going after search. On December 31, some of the strings began to produce results identical to those of Google also Bing.Currently, Microsoft is responding to the affair through the Search Engine Land, said "As you can imagine, we use it in ways we think about the variety of rating pages, but like other industry players, not expand on our course of action. It is clear that the goal is to do a better job understanding the intent of the searcher, so we can guess the best answer to the most relevant search string. software like Bing Toolbar help us with information on Web sites the user enters - one of the many tools we use to rank pages. "experimental Google" looks like a burst aimed to confuse and make manipulations on some of these signals. "This, the company did not say directly that is not copied from Google search results.That the Microsoft representative said Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft's Zdnet blog. When she asked for clarification after the first response, answered back, "We did not copy the results of Google."


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