Google: France Looking for a racist Jewish ?!?!?

A feature the Google Autocomplete France used to offer to complete the names of politicians with the word "Jew." What does it mean?
The role of the Autocomplete mechanism Google is to assess what type query user during the operation, based on common queries. French newspaper Le Monde reveals that with the Autocomplete recently discovered that the citizens of France tend to run queries examine whether politicians are Jewish state For example, when writing French Google ( the name of the politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who may soon face the President, presents a fourth option proposal "dominique strauss kahn juif" ("Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a Jew.") Google search did not appear in Israel this proposal, and instead offered a complete search engine the name of the politician with "Israel." Even when looking for the name of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the name of Prime Minister Francois Pilon names of French politicians prices more French Google - is the possibility the "Indian." This means that this is particularly common searches in the state, for otherwise they would not have offered such a high place. Further examination also reveals that happens the French version of the Yahoo search engine. "It is no coincidence that the word" Jew "appears in searches in France than in most other places. It has to do something in the history of the state. AutoComplete technology Google uses it can, theoretically, reveal the mentality of the country," said Oliver Aartzsid, Internet expert at the University of Nantes, France. Google in English, however, usually do not suggest the word "Jew" when you type in names of politicians and prominent American or British. When you type in the name of British Prime Minister David Cameron, the French engine offers the possibility of the "Indian."

Anti-Semitism or curiosity?
"Search results you see in the Autocomplete mechanism are a reflection of the search activities of all users," Google spokeswoman responded France. "We always strive for neutrality and objectivity to reflect the content network - good content and content is controversial. We also run a set of blocking pornography, violence and abusive discourse." Wrote the "Monde" wrote Stephen Apocart about that in his opinion these findings indicate there is "latent anti-Semitism gentle, lifting her head only via computer. In contrast, political science researcher Jean-Yves - rose interpreted the data as nothing more than "a curious phenomenon in which resides the largest Jewish community in Europe." "It is normal that the phenomenon is more common in France, because that has more Jews because it also has more Jews in politics," he 




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