FarmVile: Stolen farm !

British hacker had hoped to sell virtual currency worth $ 12 million they stole network Zynga games giant. He could not
British hacker trying to steal $ 12 million from online games "Zynga", but scheme failed. Ashley Mitchell, 29 was arrested for theft of virtual silver coins, and admitted guilt. The man burst servers "Zynga", developing successful games, "Farmville", "Sittiwil" and more, and stole no less than 400 billion virtual coins used in these games. Mitchell had planned to sell the coins on the black market, but apparently there are not worth $ 12 million, only $ 300,000. After selling about a third of them - located perceived. Pleaded guilty in court and heard the judge he expected a long prison term because of the sophistication of the offense and the fact that they had been arrested previously on computer fraud, and received probation. Thief's defense attorney argued that this is not theft in the classic sense, because of the coins because they are only on the Internet - the company can always issue more of them and sell them instead of missing. Further claimed that his client made the action due to his addiction to gambling and money rabbi issued by them. The defendant will remain in custody until the court decision.


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