Google: launched the official YouTube application

Google introduces a new version of its video service application, prior to the launch iOS6 that would end the collaboration with Apple

Menus revealed at Swipe. New app
A few months after learning of the official YouTube app not included in version 6 of the iOS operating system from Apple - Google launches new iPhone app and independent. The application uses a design of Google Plus app is faster than its predecessor.
When the application is activated - is initially shows recommended videos. To reach its menus, press the mark lines on the top and left of her, or just do Swipe movement (sliding) from left to right. Where the user can perform a login, change settings and choose between the different categories videos. When the user does a search on a particular name - he gets the most popular videos under this name, and is given the choice to switch between video mode to channels. Settings button on this screen allows you to change the parameters of the search. Play the selected video is displayed on the screen parts as below video information. To see the video in full-tilt device level position. Content sharing button (Share) merges with the options built into the iOS and allows you to publish your video major social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus course (the button is at the top of its list).

From interface, a faster

You can find more content
According to Google, the new app gives users access to content that was not available in the previous version, including music videos, TV shows and movies available on its Google Play store. Unlike other previous application - the new version has ads. "The application was built by engineers YouTube to provide users with the best mobile experience," read a post published in the official YouTube blog.

Download the app store available on the iPhone and iPod, but a new version for the iPad has not been launched. According to Google, is to be launched soon.


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