Twitter: Oscar?!??!

Twitter users often chirping during the live broadcast of the Academy Awards, but did not break records for Super Bowl Grammys squeak

Twitter service users in Israel know that one uses the profits which he comments on TV shows (especially "big brother") while Sidoren. This form of use is not unique to Israel, as seen from data collected on service TweerReach sent squeaks while Academy Awards broadcast two days ago. According to these data, during the live broadcast Twitter more than 20 Oscar-related terms, between them, "Oscar" and "academics." Sent a total of 1.26997 million Oscar squeak by no less than -388 717 different users. Record squeaks occurred at 19:20 (California time), which also sent 11 780 squeaks. Chirp Ahritwittim won the largest number was "a rude - even one of the characters' Toy Story 3, did not bother to get to the ceremony", published by the humor site The Onion. More squeaks won many Lritwittim: "watching the Oscars. Not crazy about the fetus's uterus Natalie Portman chose to wear" (Conan Auberayem), "announced Oscar: Kirk Douglas will guide the next year's ceremony" (Bill Maher). However, on, TweetReach conducted the test, not excited and say they expected more activities. The company noted that during the Super Bowl broadcast the Grammys were on average 17 000 chirps per minute. CEO Jen Davis believes the reason is that "making films has not yet found her twitter routine, celebrities who use Twitter are mostly musicians.


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