Facebook: Facebook Places will be launched in Israel

Facebook will launch the application Places in Israel over the weekend, it's main competitor Forskvar
Facebook is expected to launch in the facebook service places over the weekend - has learned that themarker. The service, previously been active in Israel on BlackBerry devices only, becomes available to all owners of iPhones iPad country, as well as other smart devices, operating on the Android system. Facebook places officially launched by the U.S. company last October, Facebook's answer to the global success of Forskvar, social network that allows its members to report to follow them where they are by following the check where it came from. Unlike Lforskvar, Facebook offers elements of games, and allows users to turn the heads of the city of a certain place but settles for connecting users to their friends. U.S. working places adjacent to Facebook Facebook deals that enables businesses to manage the list of users who did foremost check in, offer them benefits actually manage using Facebook Club. Israel will not be launched Facebook system currently deals closely with places, but operating system places only.


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