iPad2: Disaster in Japan will Delay iPad2 for long time!

Is the situation in Japan will hit production of iPad 2 Market analysis firm iSuppli warns that this may happen, although that production in general in China Is the disaster in Japan will hit manufacturers gadgets consumer electronics products? Analysis firm iSuppli suggests that at least one popular product - the Apple iPad 2, may experience difficulties production following the earthquake. The reason is that at least five components that Apple uses to build> Members 2 are manufactured in Japan, including the glass covering the screen, flash memory digital compass.
It is unknown whether damaged components production. Thus, Toshiba - that makes the flash memory iPad 2 - reported this week the plant producing its screen closed, but did not elaborate on the injury producing other components. Many enterprises have stopped production due to no significant harm to broadband, but after the frequent earthquakes. At the same time, even if production was not hit, supply chains from factories in Japan to other places (the iPad 2, for example, components in China) is very influenced by the situation in the country, which created pressure on the part of the transport delegates made the closing of others.


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