China: Chinese censor phone calls too

The Chinese government not only blocks websites, but also run monitoring software, including phone calls cut off words 'suspicious'

The Chinese government continues to tighten its control and censorship of the media operated citizens. A few days after Google's complaint that the administration penetrating accounts Gmail, reveals the New - York Times that the administration runs the monitoring software and telephone lines, disconnect the call if the suspicious word is played as such opposed to power. The paper tells of an entrepreneur from Beijing to his telephone conversation with his wife cut off after saying the word "protest" (in English). Another person said the same thing happened to him when he said the word in Chinese. This is the latest report of the evidence that the Chinese government hardens its censorship enforcement means phone calls, text messages, email and websites. This is in part due to China and try to play the "jasmine revolution", which attempts to restore the uprisings against the government in the Arab world. "I think the gloves drop," said a Chinese political analyst in New - York Times. As evidence that Chinese interviewee brings blockage of websites that are not blocked in the past, business social network like LinkedIn and even the Chinese stock market site that was blocked for a day. Blocking Facebook, Twitter and YouTube is fixed for some time. "The administration's model is that every day brings a new challenge and an opportunity to demonstrate his sharp power of the state. Authorities to secure their ability to maintain order," said an analyst from Beijing.


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