Google: Street View comes to Israel?

Google VP confirms the company's intention to run in the streets filming service, hoping it would happen this year
"I hope we can launch the The View in Google Street soon," says Google Vice President Marisa Meyer, an exclusive interview with PC World magazine. Google so far refused to confirm or deny the intention to work in Israel. The company also would not confirm the fact that she turned Israeli government for permission to photograph the streets of the state. Meyer now confirms the first time, the intent of Google. When you think the service will launch in Israel? "I hope this will happen already this year. So our goal, as part of an aspiration to provide the service as many countries." The View Google Street (Street View) is one of Google's outstanding services the world - one that took a lot of fire in the past year. The service - which allows users to leave virtual tours through the streets of world cities - is expected to rise soon; This assumes that Israel will allow Google to do so. Since 2007 Google cruisers cars in cities, the United States through Western Europe, Japan, South Africa and Australia. The cars are equipped with cameras documenting three - dimension to the streets of cities. Vehicle driving through the streets and photograph the area from the perspective of going bankrupt. The result is a map of the city , which includes scanning of every street and every building in three - dimensional. Then the user can virtually explore the city, stop, look at all the building and look at him peripherals. 

- Will photograph the security sensitive areas?
Google now wants Israel to photograph. A month ago, Google's request was made at the Prime Minister convened a special ministerial team to engage on what streets, buildings and cities can take pictures in Google. Ministerial team headed by Minister Dan Meridor will examine which permits to Google street photography, especially the security angle, but also deals with questions of users' privacy and questions of franchise. The complexity and sensitivity must be aware of security so detailed photography of streets and its buildings of the State of Israel. "I've been three times in recent years. I know the complexity that has. Therefore, our program in photography is such that you reduce your activity so that no production problems. I'm sure we can solve all of Israel's concerns in this area." 

Hopes into Local
Search services Halokaleime fame Meyer's fame came to her after Google was appointed is responsible for important company: search services. But four months ago suddenly assumed a new responsibility area seemingly more margins: Vice President vocal services location-based services - a position that existed before Google. Her new role she is responsible for Google's activities in Halokali, including working with local businesses and work on the activity of the company's mobile content.
- Does the fact that Google gave you to manage a division that deals in advertising, local marketing content, indicates the importance that Google places limits and hopes local advertising revenue? "Domain Halokal is important and we have high hopes for him. Today, 20% of our search engine searches related local activities, making the Halokal very important area for us." - Is the activity you're going to head confrontation will lead the competition with Google Facebook? "Halokalit activity is a key part of Google's strategy. I think that Facebook and Google has a quality services in social media and in Halokali, so there will be many ways in which companies comply with the needs of users." - Until now Google's attempts to make money and other things beyond advertising keywords does not prove itself. Coupons are a new income model Mbhinatchma. Also working with neighborhood businesses. Do you think Google is able to produce significant income to these scenes? "I disagree with the assumption underlying the question. Google does a lot of money advertising that is not connected to search: for example, mobile advertising, and advertising Dyasplye (video advertising banners - A. T.), each yielding revenues of over a billion dollars a year." Both are based on your search engine. Coupons physical work that small businesses face a completely different game. "We believe that the revenue yield Halokalit activity. We are very excited about it, I'm sure was her money."


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