Twitter Frenchman, a good Jew is a dead Jew

Jokes Semitism have risen in recent days French tweeter rage led by Jewish organizations and even necessary response to the IDF
Bin Laden does not like Jews, also on Twitter, even years after his death (screenshot)
"# UnBonJuif est en juif mort" ("# Yahuditob Jew is dead"), wrote a Twitter user named "Osama bin Laden -", one of several hundred at least recently participated in anti-Semitic meme # UnBonJuif. Various entities in France complained to Twitter about the content, and even army intervened with Post-situ in French, which is trying to produce a response meme called "Hiiltob" (# UnBonSoldat).
Participants shocked the Tziotzihm tag tag # UnBonJuif (clicking on it displays all relevant tweets), and is qualified to topics tackled (trending) social network. As of this writing knowledge, this is the most popular tag on Twitter French. Even opponents stunned began using the tag to float it in protest against the anti-Semitic remarks.
Examples of "creativity" anti-Semitic jokes can be found in a "good place good Jew is a gas chamber," "good Jew like a jar of ashes", "good Jew answering six Palestinians every morning," "good Jew going to take a shower in peace and innocence ', and' Why Jews Well have a long nose? because the air is free. " Tweets include a wide range of references to the Holocaust, including graphic images as well spread extermination camps, as well as anti-Semitic cartoons.
Growing anti-Semitism and violence against Jews in France:
Fear among the Jews of France: "dangerous terrorist network" revealed
After firing the synagogue, Dutch promised to increase security
September: grenade was thrown kosher supermarket in Paris, Jews wounded
June: Three young Jews attacked anti-Semitic Lyon

Israeli IDF out campaign against

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A good soldier is not necessarily a man (Screenshot: Website
Shocking racist comes after last month threw two men associated with radical Islam movements grenade at a Jewish supermarket, an attack which injured one person and caused damage to. In early October the French police raided the terrorist centers, were shot by suspects and returned fire. One policeman was wounded and killed one of the suspects in the attack.
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The anti - racist French SOS Racisme complaint turned to Twitter and asked to impose sanctions against the racist surfers. In addition, the MRAP, movement against racism and for friendship between peoples, asks Twitter to take measures to prevent the spread of racism online. Jewish Student Association went further and asked Twitter to put a new system of filtering tweets, according to a report by Reuters.
"Tags Twitter could be exploited," reads a post on the IDF today in French. "To combat this phenomenon, we decided to create our own label, '# Hiiltobhua, not to create a campaign of hatred but to show the true face of the Israeli soldiers' to ". IDF website gives Tweets For example, when "" # Hiiltobhua not necessarily male "next to a picture of a soldier in camouflage makeup, and" # Hiiltobhua above all a good friend "with a picture of soldiers embracing.


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