404: Page not found, but you may find missing

New venture, NotFound, wants to replace a network error pages missing search ads
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Thirty years ago disappeared six year old American boy Ethan Patz and disappearance, have not yet been deciphered, has led to the development and promotion of measures to locate missing children, one of which is the publication of the iconic images missing on milk cartons. Project NotFound returns these images, access time, 404 error pages.
Message "404 - Not Found" appears when a user wants to view the browser page could not be found. You can use these pages to display ads, search bar or alternative content. Sites incorporating NotFound contribute their areas of -404 pages of their publication pictures and information about missing persons in Europe, that they, like page not found.

Notfound.org - Make better use of your 404 page from Famous Brussels on Vimeo

Notfound.org - Make better use of your 404 page from Famous Brussels on Vimeo.
Notfound.org - Make better use of your 404 page from Famous Brussels on Vimeo.

It all started from Ethan Patz, then the system has failed
The project steering Lauren Duchi from Belgian Fiims advertising (Famous), and was created in collaboration with Missing Children Europe, an umbrella organization for missing children and victims of sexual abuse, and organization - Understand Child Focus. Thousands of children disappear in Europe every year.
Although the pictures on milk cartons burned in the collective memory and immortalized in movies and series, the method held only six months and is considered a failure, thanked Bob Lowry of the National Center for Missing and Exploited body, conceived the method: "People do not really notice pictures on milk cartons. Individuals who saw them were children young men who ate cereal "- and pictures of missing bothering them. Now use social networks to distribute photos of missing persons, both on law enforcement and viral distribution of users.

Not only error pages

Steven Otkinz Canadian ex-wife abducted their children in 2009 and fled with them to Poland, distributed codes Q - R centering images of children on the press releases, posters and flyers, and direct the person who scans them using mobile websites with updated information about the children and kidnapping. "My goal was to try to give my children a chance to be found by flooding the Internet world as many links to pictures," he said in an interview. The idea of ​​using codes received when he saw a department store customers passing by posters of missing children, give a glance and move on. Posters are a medium fixed, limited by space and stationary. Cue codes - R make them become restricted place, date, and puts them smartphones pockets of passersby. "It actually makes the poster of the missing mobile," explained Otkinz.
And now helps organize Otkinz Child Quest International, which operates in California, and currently assists in locating the Sierra Lamar, 15 year-old American who disappeared in March on its way to the bus. Lamar is also the case of Q codes used - R, and users were spreading the word on social networks and change their profile picture her image (as in Israel, the struggle to free Gilad Shalit), to raise awareness and expose the story to other people. In contrast, cue codes - R printed and attached to dog collars as well, leading to a private owner if the dog is lost.


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