Android: Fail Memory Erorr in 2.X Os

Not long ago, I noticed that my device memory is gone ... Just after every few regulations or crashes .. For a
moment I thought, what's going on here?!? I checked and saw that Folder name, LOST.DIR takes integrated with system memory Lanka and the device still continues to take / return (as long as you do not install for a few days) and then again takes. It personally drove me crazy! I do delete the device each month Toatlit due to this. It turns out there is my fault in SONY XPERIA X10 2.3.3 common operating systems including ICS. JELLYBEANS, GINGERBREAD and weirdest Google Inc. did not address!

Google need for the company to resolve these!:

One. Update revision to existing devices that have 2.x and 4.x Push!!
Two. Allow the user to clear the history of the regulations he was not aware of that ...
3. Provide additional system privileges including cleaner SD CARD
4. Require each manufacturer to push mobile device power cleans RAM and close tasks and a screenshot.

If all of these will not be me and others problems. So far, Google is acting like a little girl and not treated and opacity of SONY sky high.


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