New venture Kim Dotcom: Mega

U.S. demand for extradition does not scare the Kim Dotcom, and is about to launch a new sharing tools: encrypted service called Mega
Megaupload's next generation the way. Kim Dotcom, storage service operator arrested in New Zealand in January this year following a U.S. request to extradite him to Wired magazine revealed his plans to the next generation of its service. New service, Mega, is expected to be launched later this year, when the goal is to enable file sharing in complete removal responsibility of the site operators.
How will it happen? Mega base of which is the idea that the files will be uploaded to the service will be encrypted during the upload. Operators will not be able to know what these files, and you will have no way of knowing whether the files are infringing. Who controls the encryption key will be up file, which can choose with whom to share it. And because the encryption keys are not Iahosno Mega servers, if such law authorities and other me favor boycott the servers, they will not be able to access the files without breaking it. Dotcom claimed in an interview with Wired that no legislation exists today can not stop a service like Mega, and the only way to stop it is to turn encryption itself become - illegal.
Another decision of the dotcom will make it hard for owners of rights is not one of the links pointing to the same content. If at Megaupload was a system designed to prevent duplication of content, so it was enough demand for removal of the rights holders, here they will find and require the download of each copy simultaneously.
But what about the current lawsuit against Dotcom standing by authorities in the United States? The investigation is still going on, so when New Zealand admitted that they were not - irregularities in the way she handled the case, and Dotcom's extradition hearing was postponed March 2013, also the part of the money was returned to him.


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