Sony's content services will arrive in Israel in 2013

Audio and video services from Sony will be available next year on television screens, mobile devices and the company's PlayStation console

New mobile series: Sony Sony NXT
Sony's content services are expected to arrive in Israel during 2013. The company representatives said things present at the launch of a series of cellular phones Sony NXT, in answer to Walla! TECH. In the first stage, expected to be launched in Sony's audio services, and then the video services. They become available both on the TV screens Sony's PlayStation 3 on top and on the company's mobile devices. It is not clear yet what will be the supply of services, and whether Sony are planning to cooperate with local companies.
Network services in question are central to Sony's marketing strategy, which positions itself as unique with a significant foothold both in technology and in the content itself - the only company of its content is regularly receive awards for Oscar (film), Emmy (television), Grammy (music) and technological awards each year. So far, Sony's content in mainly been available through local distributors, only last year opened an online store of PlayStation 3 games. This shop also serves the Vita console cruiser, launched last month.
Launch of audio and video content will be more difficult to launch a store games, due to licensing agreements with distributors Sony that country. These agreements are the principle barrier to entry in international content services to Israel, and so far there were no successes in this area - Store Apple's multimedia content is not officially active here, as Hsrtiming services for companies such as Amazon and Netflix.

Focus on NFC

Communicate at short distances. NFC Sony products
Beyond the announcement of the availability of services, what Beres Electra - the local representative of cellular division at Sony - Focus on Tconlogyit NFC, integrated its new devices. Technology, which allows to transmit information securely over short distances (as the reader comes to the tag, mainly), integrated the new Sony devices. Together with the instruments, will be introduced as "smart tags".
The ones you can program yourself - set sequence of actions occurs when the machine touches. Thus, a tag can be placed one vehicle, and Cstabiro which the device will send an SMS message to the couple that you're going home, lights up Bluetooth connection to connect to the speaker runs parallel to the vehicle and navigation software.
More advanced stage of using NFC is utilizing technology to create electronic purse - a virtual credit card transmitted over phone and NFC. Bears officials claim that Electra, has been one local provider of credit services of almost ready to launch e-wallet services, but the challenge is to build trust among customers in technology, which is likely to take several years