Google's privacy policy came into effect - the world's governments are expressing concern

Entered into force the new privacy policy Google, enabling users to cross-check information from various services. Not everyone is happy about it

"Effective use of your information provides you with better service," says Google (screenshot)
With the introduction of new privacy policy of Google today, the Government of Japan expresses its concern publicly on the subject. State authorities have written to Google and brought their concerns to a new approach to information users may violate the Japanese data protection laws. The company wanted Google to make a clear explanation of the implications of the new policy.
Japan is not the only concern that brings Google's current policy, which allows the company to cross-check the information collected on the various service users and to transfer information between them - and match ads. Earlier this month, the South Korean government began to examine the possibility that Google is violating state laws. U.S. company is required to explain to Congress the move, and the EU requires a similar clarification. French authorities have already announced to explore whether cross-referencing information is out of line with European laws.
Google, for its part, relaxing in this Privacy Policy does not change ". Post published today the company, with the launch of the new policy, stated in our Privacy Policy is always possible to combine different products information in your account. Efficient use of your information provides you with better service. We limited our ability to combine your search history on YouTube and search engine with other information account. our new policy that got rid of the inconsistency, so we can show you more information when you use Google. "

What to know about the new Google policy?

- Google will collect personal information various service that you use, will gather him, and one can use the service information received other information (for example: search for a model of mobile phone search engine will show adverts, this device Gmail mail service.
- The information will be collected surfing cell phones, if the user is (Logged In) through his account.
- Google promises not to disclose the information made outside companies, except in cases where an external application install confirmation that you request and receive it from you.
- To refrain from collecting information by Google, the user can make an account Log Out its Google, and his use of Google services that do not require identification (search engine, YouTube) will not be recorded and linked to his account.
- To edit your privacy settings have to Login Google account and enter the options Account and Privacy Settings. The account and profiles and the various devices that are linked to it can be managed here.
- The follow-up surfing you can stop and delete browsing history here.