What are the most common articles facebook?

The social network has released the list of 40 articles shared the highest number in 2011. First place: the tsunami in Japan

Although 2011 was not over, but that did not stop Facebook publishing the list of papers shared the highest number during that year. The company unveiled the 40 articles that received the number of the ShareLikehighest during the year. "The stories range from cute provocative and represent the new type and age that people share with their friends in 2011", written publication of Facebook.
Control names are sites that list shares CNN, Yahoo, Washington Post and the New - York Times. First place is written Maheu - New York Times that shows pictures of the tsunami zone in Japan - before andafter the storm.
In second place is what the CNN article on children's education and parental relationships - teachers.
In third place is another story from your CNN, this time of the Zodiac, which raises the question of whetherhe's different and people need to "go lucky".
American news network, is also in fourth place (and in quite a few places throughout the list) - with an article about parents as dressers dressed the little girl children too bold.
In fifth place is a video that shows a girl dancing with her father at her wedding. The video clip at Yahoo andreceived 81 000 shares.