A public beta version of windows 8 February 2012 will

Microsoft announced that a beta version available to all of the windows 8 'out next February, and her store also launched the operating system's application

Msotam interface touch screens. Windows 8 (Photo: The Official Website)
Microsoft confirmed today that the beta version is available to all of its next operating system - 'Windows 8' - will ship in late February 2012. Anton LeBlond, vice president, development and Weindoos Webb announced that the Developer Conference is now conducted by the company in San - Francisco. There also was presented the Windows app store - will be channel through which it will be possible to download applications specifically designed for the new interface of Windows, called "Metro", based slots "animals" that can be unbuttoned access to applications, and display dynamic information. This interface was deliberately used to adjust not only fixed and mobile computers but also tablets.
Windows app store opens 8 with the launch of public beta, and currently only be included in free software. Conference in San - Francisco catapulted Microsoft competition will be selected after which emphasizes elite eight applications with the store's opening.
The company launched a beta for developers as early as September, and she says were taken over three million copies since its. Microsoft still does not bode When will the final version, but it is estimated that the fall of 2012. Microsoft has recently promised to be to upgrade the computer windows 8 only 11 screens. Also in terms of installation time, claim the company that managed to shorten the 513 minutes it took a very busy system upgrade of Windows 7 (1.44 million files, 120 applications) for 52 minutes.