Report: Apple TV will launch at the end of 2012

Increasing reports that Apple is working on a TV will be launched next year. He will come in three sizes and will include a new user interface and simple

Change market more? Dark

"I finally cracked it." Steve Jobs
In recent weeks the rumors culture that Apple expected to launch a television in the last quarter of 2012. Now publishes the Australian technology site which he said had details from Japan, there probably will be composed device.
According to its website, Apple will launch its own TV in three sizes, including 32-inch screen size and screen size of 55 inches. These TVs will include a new processor (A6) is also expected to be included in a third model iPad (due out in 2012). TV written an entirely new user interface (rather than using the operating system iOS, for example) that allows users to request screening programs by voice commands - by the voice recognition system "pots" which was first introduced iPhone 4S cell phone, he left two months ago, and Tsums also on television. Itmmsk device with Apple's existing systems, such as the iCloud and iTunes.
More recent reports suggest that sources within the company confirmed the existence of the enterprise, and headed by the engineer said Jeff Rubin, who took part in designing the iPod and iTunes service. Apple aims to enable users to access TV programs simply all possible sources - satellite TV, Internet and iTunes service. "It will have the most simple user interface you can imagine," said Steve Jobs in his late biographer Walter Isaacson, when addressed the issue during the preparations. Jobs' comments about - he said Ci"sof end cracked "the problem of television led to the expectation that the company will fulfill his ambition even after his death and may be able to change another market, having already done it for computers, mobile phones and music sales model, led by Jobs.