Study: Most games have an iPhone, most Smart Android apps

New research: iOS is the place for games, while Android has a preference for applications. And: smartphones are taking over the photography 

IPhone is for games, Android is the applications. Or so says a study conducted by the company Xylogic.The company found that 24 out of 25 leading application vendors iOS operating system Apple produce games. Only company slipped to a list without games is Burbn - popular photo app maker "Ainstgrm".Android operating system from Google, however, half leading 25, produce plays, and other useful applications.
Out of the ten most slopes applications in 2011 Apple's store only two games were: Ainstgrm and Pinterest (Table reminders and virtual). 150 most slopes apps are Android 85 software, as opposed to 65 games.Programs this year there have been downloaded 91.5 million times, compared with 33.42 million games.Compared with 71.5 million game downloads and 25.6 million in software downloads iOS.
The difference, it was claimed on All Things Digital published the findings, is a games tend to come first of all the most common platform - a title it held until recently iOS. Apple sets the appropriate severity of these developments, which comforted them.
Another survey published reveals the domination of the smartphone on the market shooting. Research firm NPD has released those responsible for more than a quarter of the pictures and video footage filmed in the United States. 27% from the media were taken mobile devices this year, compared with 17% last year.Ordinary cameras captured 44% market share, compared with 52% last year.