CEO of Tetris: "Ingres is a transient phenomenon Birds"

The manager keeps the classic game birds appreciate injection will gradually wear out, while Tetris will remain forever

Sober perspective or deep denial? Henk Rogers, director of "Tetris Company", a mythological shapes game, was interviewed recently for Industry Gamers and referred L"angri Birds ", the successful mobile game. According to Rogers, the angry birds are just a temporary phenomenon - while Tetris will remain with us forever.
"Whenever there is a game based on characters like the angry bird characters, the game becomes popular but then fading. Tetris has managed to survive over many such games, we've been here for 25 years," he said.
"I like to compare it to sports," Rogers added, "At first I considered sports 'active', as golf was a task - but then became a sport. I think that once people were playing with something for 20 or 25 years you can be sure that this thing here to stay. It's a sport, it's not a passing phenomenon. "Shangri Birds" is cute and they all play it, but eventually tire of them and they will move to other games. Tetris is like the song "Happy Birthday - he goes and goes and goes."

"Tetris is like a virus"
"Like the song" Happy Birthday ". Tetris
The comparison between Tetris L"angri Birds "is obvious: both games Kz'uelim who managed to break the boundary between gamers without gamers: in the 80's and 90's all played Tetris, just like today everybody plays B"angri Birds". However, Tetris can indeed continue to justify its existence - and every year they go on a variety of new games in the series - which recently reached an official and Miohtz"n mobile platforms too - there is a need to deal directly with "passing phenomenon", the angry birds.
"We launched restart the game Tetris Touch mobile ... it's like a virus and they all stick to it early or late. It's also not something that someone has developed to a drug, can be infected B virus Tetris' again and again and again. People will be infected this virus, which is what we do ", he explained why he thought Tetris not get tired ever.
Tetris, probably, indeed here to stay. This is the classic of the gaming industry, and the fact that it is based on simple geometric shapes and built, in fact, in games net (with no narrative elements or characters) help him to feel fresh and not become outdated.
However, do not underestimate the power of angry birds - boldly penetrated mobile games industry at the right time and managed to become one of the largest gaming phenomena in recent years. Maybe they will not survive like Tetris - but they certainly could affect the industry as a game of old Russian barracks.