Videosurf: Phone Video ID

Video application Videosurf doing what she did that Shazam Music: receiving recognition software. And even a bit more sophisticated
One of the best-known applications for mobile phones is "since." Small software - capable of absorbing large Mnuganim songs in the background, identify and update the user on what exactly it is. No wonder this ingenious patent applications has become one of the most popular. VideoSurf company now doing the same thing - even a bit more than that - movies. After installation and operation should be directed to the mobile phone television screen and allow him to absorb what was happening there. The application will recognize what movie or TV show is. Beyond that - it can identify specific players, and to answer those who break the head "where I've seen this player before?". The application also continues the process allows to find the same amount identified on the Internet. The Great American communications provider Verizon announced that the application will be available for free smartphones, it will market the fourth generation. It is estimated that software (and introduced at CES 2011) are different versions of devices different networks. 



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