Facebook: Easier to blame the Zackerberg

These hours, when the new sections topped at least two reports related disasters on Facebook - one of the suicide of a young girl and the other for the rape she knew the attackers through the 

site, you can put a stopwatch to run until the moment it will be directed to point the finger in the direction of social network. You can guess one by one will spring up critics argue that the blame all the troubles is actually Mark Zackerberg, the multi-headed monster created, drowning us all a wave of Lake.No doubt thatZackerberg his team created is effective in the history of the Internet, he could get the average user's head and understand what would make its use more social networking, as well as more efficient. But this is not Facebook and characterization of mass addiction to not bring disasters like the two mentioned above. Like many cases of Israeli culture, also what happens on Facebook is not the disease, but only the symptom.

Virtual House confused generation 

Said it before, and more than once, but probably should say it again and again: it kind of trouble and disaster are not due to report today and containers in which they occur, but the deep social problem, which only represented in a particular tool (as it is represented in other arenas - from school to the dance club). If anything, we should admit up for being up to the surface some acute social problems of society in general and in particular its youth.Facebook is used as a confused generation virtual checkpoints restrain recently lost generation frenetic, materialistic blunt with a high stimulation threshold dispersion. 16-year-old can now look back on experiences of previous generations have experienced only ages their 20s, if not later. Do not believe those who try to claim that we are guilty, but that new technology demonic characteristics. Youth violence, sexuality and brutal, Ahahahpcah social pressure did not result from this or that online. They are due first of all the local company's character. A rough, intolerant after brainwashed vulgar TV commercials; company formed this way and began to pay the price long before someone tagged a photo here.

Pour the content users find

Placing the blame on the violent and dangerous events on Facebook equivalent accusing vodka bottle was introduced to him when he was an alcoholic. The bottle was empty. Whoever decided to pay him a drink instead of orange juice is a human. For example, the application chat is a tool that comes empty, which is essentially a basic and innocent. Another risk element for human use made it. Chat can be a tool for conversation between two boys on their homework, but equally it could be a tempting tool pedophile the victims (articles series on Channel 10 a few years ago demonstrated how this act frequent daily). Is application chat is to blame for pedophilia? On Facebook, users are and pour the contents; their conduct similar social network they manage to daily life, beyond the computer screen.I ordered, so a bit hard for me to put myself in the shoes of those who need to monitor the borders of his children. I'm sure this is a difficult task, but it makes it less essential. Facebook limits the enrollment to 13 and above, for a good reason. Interaction site is indeed a potentially explosive, more because of the nature of mankind than the nature of the platform. Still, many children are recorded by entering up to age fabricated. One publicist, if a little girl of nine, said this week Torre how to prevent her daughter to enter the age of fabricated to register. This is a decision of a parent is responsible, understands this part of his job to look after his children will not enter places not to refuse to cast the responsibility on third parties.But we live in a country where earning epidemic conclusion of youth is a total ban on the sale of drinks at night, instead of trying to understand why children aged 14 to begin banging your head senseless. Therefore it is likely that many young people prefer to let their personalities have not yet formed to take part in the platform users communicate their characters in public. Then, if, God forbid, their child also will star these style headlines of today, they knew exactly who to turn his finger. Mark Zackerberg, well water.


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