Egypt ; Revolution will be broadcast HD

When all Unlocked HD recorder, record the demonstrations in Egypt especially accessible and has the potential to be broadcast in traditional media
Those who remember the series of terrible attacks of the al-Aqsa may remember the reports Ahtlwizivnim her. Almost every day was interrupted by one or another program for a special bulletin. Update stern anchor on another bus that exploded and the number of casualties is still not clear. The broadcast is a reporter was quick moves he could reach the area, which was trying to transmit photos via cell phone. The emphasis here is on the word "try", for what most would have been accepted in this collection were mixed stains color the sky along with flashlights and ambulances. The audience is not taught much about what was happening on the ground, and those had to rely on the sound until it was reporting to the broadcast mobile. Television viewing Internet videos last few days shows how much has changed for the better quality of living documentation from the field. If only a decade ago a portable professional broadcast quality pictures could move fast and clear, now all his Egyptian with Unlocked able to issue on the spot high-quality still pictures and video HD resolution. Iran riots last year showed how the digital age has changed the rules of the game and some news coverage of the central role of a normal citizen. Documenting events in the streets the crowds were able to communicate to the world the situation where they are, bring it to public attention and create solidarity in the struggle. Egyptian authorities learned that lesson, apparently, and the beginning of the riots quickly block access to the Internet in the country. This act may create a barrier between most of the citizens of the world, but those that manage to bypass the checkpoint, one way or another - call the riots, high-quality live and contribute them to another fuel.

Prime-time user-generated content
The use of social networks for revolutions has been written quite a bit. Equally interesting to see how traditional media is now also relies on "user-generated content" to view the new revolution. Advanced technological capabilities allow the high cost to produce demonstrators broadcast Weber effective documentation. When the contents leaked video from Egypt is not clear Foxley HD photo but not extremely different from professional photo quality - official media will use it Abshidoriam and would also serve themselves and the demonstrator who wants to spread his messages. Brings it to public distribution a loud echo reduction offsets somewhat the amount of content released out, due to blocking of the Internet in the country. Canadian News CNC Website, for example, Egypt offers infrastructure uploading files that you can upload videos and still images taken by themselves in demonstrations. It also provides the ability to upload photos they shoot his Flickr account. The opposite also happens: Journalists 'real' use of these tools Ahprtizneeime to provide the situation of the country. The most prominent of these tools is Twitter, where the reporters of CNN, the Associated Press and, peeping on a regular basis. That nourishes this new media to old, and vice versa. These relationships work for both, certainly in favor of the protesters, and pour the contents of these tools. I wonder if when the master of hip - hop Gil Scott Heron sang in 1970 that "the revolution will not be broadcast on TV" He heard about an internal university project formulated so called "internet".


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