PlayStation 3's store: soon in Israel

Sony is expected to open the console's online store in Playstation 3 on 16 February. Payment in shekels, there. Local content agreements, no.
Playstation Network in Israel. As reported in approved Walla's conversation! TECH with a source close to the subject, Sony's online services are open to the Israeli public is already in the middle of next month. PSN start date set for the Israeli version of 16 February, but may vary. With the opening of the gates of the local PSN accounts can have access to Israel associated online store PlayStation 3 and PSP - which now is impossible. Since the launch of PlayStation 3 in late 2006, Israeli users could access some of the services related store (the service as Playstation Home) only with a user registered with an address abroad. Have been known to be inside the store to pay NIS, Israeli credit card. However, it is unknown exactly what content will be offered the Israeli user. Beyond the free demo versions, the store offers a Playstation 3 in Europe and the United States even full games, music and video content. Some of them indeed belong to Sony itself, but part of contents of the store is from other vendors. From what we have received, not the content of agreements were signed Sony with local suppliers, the availability of content in question depends on the geographical limits of agreements they signed with Sony Copyright overseas. In recent years, many games companies more open for signature on the online distribution agreements are not limited geographically - Achsahugmaah best online store that is Steam - so there's a chance that we will enjoy that we are third party games the store of PSN. However, it comes to movies and music the agreements signed today are very conservative, online distribution agreements are usually limited to one country or a small number of countries.


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