Twitter: for Egypt

Twitter's management has released the official blog post, which is protesting the barring service in Egypt in the wake of the uprising

"Tweets must remain" so declares the micro-service - blogging Twitter, following the cut off by the authorities in Egypt, due to its use by citizens insurgents. The company's founder Biz Stone her lawyer Alexander Mgiliouri published the official Twitter blog post, which emphasized the importance of service and changing political discourse. "Our goal is to immediacy people everywhere to things that are important to them. For this to happen - freedom of expression is essential. We do not always agree with what people choose to squeak, but keep the flow of information, regardless of attitudes regarding the content ... open exchange of information can bring global effect ... ethically, almost every country in the world agree that freedom of expression is a human right. " Twitter believe that use of the service as an agent of social change will only increase in coming years. The service has been blocked in Egypt on Thursday, along with Facebook, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had publicly expressed her disapproval of the United States from this action.


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