Foursquare: limits Memberships

Location based social network Foursquare going the way of Facebook limits the number of members per user possible
Location based social network Foursquare going the way of Facebook limits the number of possible members for each user. Site covers the service reports that it is not clear yet what that limit, as the site itself running account he has 6,000 members now blocked to add more members, but is also known for another account with 1020 members who can add more. It seems that this step is Foursquare common type of social network spam. There are businesses who want a cab companies to appear at the top of the list of users. One business also gained 60,000 members. Many users often got mad at companies seeking foreign bodies have been sent only for reasons such promotion. Foursquare spokesman said the company really began to turn this limitation, but is "still trying to understand the proper boundaries." "We'll adjust the numbers depending on the use of feedback we receive from users." Currently seem to be blocking one-way - using the lid came can not send more requests, but can accept requests that come to him.


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