You can not block Zuckerberg

Facebook does not allow the user to block action at the expense of CEO Mark Zuckerberg. There is also a protest about this site

Facebook social network allows its users to decide who they want to block its members, but it
turns out that one person is "not spare" - Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. "If you block someone, he can not find you in search of Facebook, to see your profile or communicate with you on 

Facebook, "read a warning message that appears before blocking a user. However, when you do so Zuckerberg mark confirmation of this warning message - you receive the message" Failed to block. "Facebook makes too much too important culturally to such things will continue," says a leading technology added. "It is time that society gets older and start to 
behave more Achtiniiga Roger than fifth grade. If you want to block Zuckerberg - it should be possible." Web site also exists a small protest on the matter, which is described in an attempt to block the process outcome. Founder said in an interview to the site that can be used to block the Zuckerberg, and the site was established to actually encourage users to do so, the type of move protest. Since then no longer possible, and the site became a site that advertises the lack of ability. "My original idea was to start a campaign to encourage people to block the Zuckerberg. I got the idea after the last uprising about privacy issues," explained the operator, who prefers to remain anonymous.


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