Lit keyboard

Company logitech 'Bright Wittek wireless keyboard displays, which also includes light sensors and movement sensors to keep the batteries
There are many keyboards, but keyboards are impressive, there is little, too little. Log company, Wittek trying to solve the problem of the drab accessory illuminated keyboard with a new wireless

keyboard is Achsahpam. For key in keys K800 has a small light illuminating it when needed, motion sensors take care that she was not a title that does not need. How does it work? The lighting system of the keyboard (I repeat again: "lighting system of the keyboard." Not very common idea) adjustable lighting sensors connected automatically by the amount of light in the room. Also, this keyboard also has motion sensors, turn on the lights when they detect a hand approaching the keys, putting away her martyr

Key or key gloomy glow? The keyboard is operated by rechargeable batteries that can hold up to 10 days without load them. Loading is done by micro USB cable, which you can use as you type - so no need to disable the keyboard initiated. The K800 will begin to be marketed this month. Price? Shining brightly, too: $ 100. Make the money, or make do with a lamp next to the computer?


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