Not all - that private

Surfing porn sites using in the "private browsing" offered by the browser - not necessarily will avoid leaving traces on your computer
Tend to surf questionable sites on the basis of a situation "private browsing"? A new study by researchers from Stanford University states that you do not necessarily behave in such a
situation seems discretion. Apparently Peach R, also known as "porn mode", does not always work properly the various browsers, and allows browsing the data reveal. The researchers found another way webmasters can check their site visitors viewed in "private browsing" or regular browsing mode, so by writing some code using JavaScript. Ostensibly private browsing mode to allow users to visit sites without leaving traces on the computer - browsing history, cache files, cookies, etc.. The new study finds that Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari chrome - these tracks is not always inevitable, especially when you go secure sites. When users use, for example, an SSL mode, browsers record the action file which can be accessed easily. Firefox browser, browsing history is retained even in situations where using a security certificate (security certificate). Browser creates a file named cert8.db browsing history can be viewed. In addition, installing the available kinds of additives can browsers, researchers say, "totally undermine the anonymity of the private browsing mode." Chrome browser, for example, 71 out of 100 supplements tested can bypass the anonymous browsing trace. "Private Browsing can limit the amount of information saved on the computer when you are browsing. It does not delete all traces, and we make it clear that our support pages, the Google representative responded Research.


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