ow to Watch Netflix Instant Streaming on Your Jailbroken iPhone?

If you're fed up with waiting for the official Netflix app to make it to your iPhone, here's a way you can hack the Netflix iPad app to work on your jailbroken iPhone.

The process is fairly simple but takes a bit of work. In a nutshell, you're going to be downloading the iPad version of the Netflix application and manually copying it to your iPhone. Check out the video and step-by-step written instructions below.

  1. Download the Netflix app for iPad to iTunes.
  2. Right click on the Netflix app you just downloaded and select ‘Show in Windows Explorer' if you're on a PC, or ‘Show in Finder' if you're on a Mac.
  3. Rename Netflix 1.0.4.ipa to Netflix 1.0.4.zip and extract the zip file to your desktop.
  4. Look for the Payload folder inside the extracted folder. Inthere you will find the Netflix.app folder.
  5. SSH into your iPhone and copy the Netflix.app folder to either /Applications/ or /private/var/stash/Applications/.
  6. Change the permission on the Netflix.app folder to 755. You can do this by typing chmod 755 Netflix.app, which worked for me, but it looks like some are having trouble. If that doesn't work for you, try: chmod -r 755 Netflx.app instead.
  7. Reboot your iPhone.
  8. Now go to the App Store from your iPhone and download a non-Safari browser with identification options, such as Atomic Web ($0.99) or Perfect Browser ($1.99). In Atomic Web, go to Settings and select Safari - iPad under Identify Browser As. In Perfect Browser, go to Settings and select Safari iPad under Desktop Rendering.
  9. Still in Atomic Web or Perfect Browser, navigate to Netflix.com, login, and find a movie to watch instantly. Perfect Browser will close and Netflix.app will start playing your movie.
That's it! Enjoy Netflix on your iPhone.

(this video/article belogn to "life hacker site")


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