IE 15th Birthday

Microsoft's browser today celebrates the 15th birthday. He managed to dominate the market, but his status is threatened by competitors 

Birthday Internet Explorer browser from Microsoft. 15 years ago today launched its first version, which was the first step towards becoming the world's most popular browser. When Internet Explorer first came out in -16.8.1995 is based on the Mosaic browser. From version 3 began to incorporate it in Microsoft Windows operating. Version 4 has become an integral combination completely - a complicated Microsoft with regulators, who accused her fair form of competition that is not long and dragged her to trial. But Microsoft's tactics proved successful, when the company was able to push the popular Netscape browser, passed him at browsers and eventually brought death to stop the actual development. In 2004, Microsoft was forced to deal with a problem similar to that which is what the Netscape at the time - a new browser that does the job just as good from it, if not more. Firefox open source browser into the market, and began to spread among more and more users. Version 6 of Internet Explorer, which included many security holes is considered probably the worst version of the browser, definitely helped ons caught a worthy alternative. But unlike Netscape at the time - the Explorer is not collapsed following the competition. To this day, his power is saved when the user about a quarter of the market weakness. Versions 7 and 8 of the Explorer are improving, there is much anticipation for version 9 - which should be innovative, thinner, faster and supports the HTML 5 standard, which should be the answer to Adobe Flash technology. Release of Internet Explorer 6 will point to Microsoft test its product, long shuffles percent market share in those (on the order of 60% which rises and falls gently from time to time) had to deal with more and more competitors (including Google Chrome). Can he keep the position in the market, and increase its penetration percentage? The first beta of Internet Explorer 9 launched on September 15 and perhaps answer these questions.

 PS: i Recommend : Firefox


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