Not today's Tumbler!!

A service micro - blogging Tumbler colony for over half a day, after a maintenance worker hit by the database
Micro-blogging service / media blogging Tumblercolony for over half a day. Entering the site receive notification of failure and ensuring that "come back soon."In the last hours Tmabler users express their frustrations from around the world and social networking services like Facebook and Twitter. After hours in which the company gave no indication of the cause of the problem, update the company's founder David Krapp that the maintenance work performed in and was supposed to hurt her - made the error in the database, the site strike planned manner. "Rebuilding the collection of data is a manual process is painfully slow - but almost finished. Superior detail when the site will return to the air", update Krapp.Tumbler is rapidly growing service. In July this year the company introduced figures showing that the site gets 1.5 billion page views per month (almost 6 times the amount from the previous year) and that he went to the 50 leading sites in the United States. The site grew by 300 million page views each month.


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