Google: Which, the Israelis are looking to Facebook

The most requested search word in Google searches is "Facebook." Next word: "walla"

The fact that Israelis like Facebook gets another confirmation - this time from Google. "Zeitgeist" ("Zeitgeist"), the annual survey published by the popular search company made its search engine shows that the expression that most are looking for Israel is "Facebook." After the list is Walla. Expressions that come after these two are the "YouTube", "Hand 2" and Gmail.Google also publishes cuts searches by topic. Cutting "leap Search - People 'first starring Justin Bieber. Him - Michal Amdursky (most likely following the famous bikini incident), Guy Pines, David Aaron and Lady Gaga.General cutting heads leap searches gaming site "Myakmak" followed by two television series "Asfur": time "Asfur" once "Asfur direct view." (Asfur series produced by HOT company cable company in Israel)Leading global search several events: the World Cup, the Olympics, the earthquake in Haiti, the Gulf of Mexico oil leak ash cloud. Global search also the name of Justin Beaver appears at the top searches that "Pcv" up.

Google Israel


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