Facebook | Lamebook : War books

The best defense is attack, so can attest to the following case Lamebook.com site.  

This small site, documenting funny interactions on Facebook, the Facebook enormous demands on the grounds of copyright infringement. Reason for this strange action (as Lyembok built on the base fact of Facebook) is the need for a declaratory ruling Lyembok determines that the use of the word Book is not copyright infringement, as claimed by Facebook. Facebook recently threatened to sue the Lyembok on the grounds that, the site, operated by two graphic artists from Texas, trying to anticipate the punch. So too will the prosecution be conducted Lyembok in Texas, his comfort.Complaint filed by Lyembok argued that Facebook has created a connection with her March 2010 and demanded to stop using her name, and change the design of the site (similar to that of the original Facebook). Facebook back and demanded that several times over the past year, and now it threatens to take the Lyembok court. Lyembok, in turn, claims that the site is a parody on Facebook and therefore does not violate trademark and copyright.Facebook official said in response that "it's sorry that after months of working with Lyembok solving the problem, they turned to legal means. We are confident our position will prevail in court." Facebook has been used previously in a similar manner, when she demanded the sites Teachbook and Placebook for similar reasons.


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