Two million pings (iTunes)

Million people were registered to "red" Apple's day. But critics are full of criticism and negative technology on the new social network

Apple announced that music-based social network that opened, "ping", recorded more than a million people in two days. According to Apple, a third of users who downloaded version of the software Ayettions 10 (which allows the new network access) were also ping. However, keep in mind that any amount of users 

Abayettions is 160 million, so this is a relatively small number of subscribers. "We look forward to ping a growing community will become more people downloading the Ayettions 10," Apple said in its statement the official.The new social network launched last week, along with their new iPod devices announced Steve Jobs. It allows users to track Artists Lady Gaga, Coldplay, U2 and more, updated Bahupotim their own videos and view pictures. Users can publish posts about the artists communicate about music.Not all commentators are sure the future success of the ping. In fact - since the launch started in many opinion columns in several leading technology sites, visitors to the new service. Beat Social Site, for example, writes that "Google's China Vahabazaza suffer the same problem: No one knows what to do with them when launched. Ping suffers from the same problem, what now?" Of Buzz. Easy to subscribe to it, but then you should look for your friends and search manually artists you love. When you follow people, you are mainly exposed to artists recommend memoirs - something fans do not need help with. " The site states that "Apple should create the possibility of import Facebook friends and set clearly what people can do with ping when it will become a thriving social network."Eric Shonfeld leading technology blog Tech Crunch wrote that "the biggest problem is that the service alive ping in Ayettions. He also isolated there. Ayetoanc is not social. She's not even the Web." Peter Kafka wrote on All Things Digital that "China does not want to know a lot about you. Apple has decided to put their bodies between the ping and your music collection." Dave Weiner from Scripting News wrote that "China is not a social network, by any realistic definition of the term. My assumption about the reason why you can not post to the Timeline is Apple afraid to say something bad about them or the ping."Fortune section of the site also gives Apple CNN series of ping-saving tips. Including the navigation interface patch, spam control, an expansion of options for music and love, adding simple ways to find Facebook friends and connect other existing social services. "Ping can still be saved, but it should work quickly, while still pay attention to her," set on CNN.


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