YouTube turns to TV

Launches video service can now watch live broadcasts of the content publishers. After a period of testing the new project is expected to grow
YouTube is launching today a video broadcasting service life. YouTube's content partners will be

able to transmit the contents directly to viewers in real time. It would join Google services such as Ustream, and LiveStream, which provide a similar option. In the first phase will be launched Live On YouTube a short trial version, which will take part in four affiliate: Next New Networks, Howcast, Young Hollywood and Rocketboom. Based on the results of the experiment will consider Google, which operates the YouTube, the deployment of a broader platform.Life broadcasting service will be available on YouTube alone (without the ability to integrate an external site player) at which point the service would not keep repeating viewing broadcast content. "The new platform will combine live video flows into the channels of YouTube. All this will have to broadcast webcam. Examination of the module will be included 'Comments animals, the body will allow the transmitter to communicate with the broad YouTube community," reads the official YouTube blog.Google has been made several attempts of live broadcasts, including the emergence of broadcast band U2, talks on the entry of this type of service already in 2008. Implementing Uqba until now due to various technical reasons.


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