Washington Post: site breached

Hackers penetrated the necessary ads section of the Washington Post and copied inscriptions from 1.3 million non-email users

More than a million user names and e - mail were burglary committed last week to the Washington Post. Between 27 to June 28, hackers managed to penetrate the job listings section of the new site and access to its data base, then copied the 1.3 million email addresses. Other personal details and passwords were not exposed, according to newspaper accounts are not required to use section are now in danger.Following the incident, told the Washington Post that he performs a security check of his computer system and the treatment was breaking the law authorities. "We take this incident very seriously and apologize for any inconvenience caused," said the newspaper, send an email user to let them know about the incident.When asked why the organization's spokesmen was informed several days later, she reasoned that he needed time to investigate and test the security system. "We wanted to make sure we fully understand what happened and what the consequences, so we can provide customers with accurate and effective," it said.Now the paper warns the user before e - mail dangerous leakage may reach following address: spam, phishing messages and other malicious messages.

Another victim of burglary tsunami

Wave that began in April and lasts until todayBreakout Washington Post is the latest high-profile wave of burglaries that began in April, when the Vandals were able to access the service's user base revealed details Playstation and more than 70 million customers. Since then several other sites were hit Sony's Senate website, the site of the CIA, CITI Bank and dozens more sites.No one claimed responsibility for the current break, but the usual suspects are members of Anonymous - a group of hackers and distributed without hierarchy was responsible for much of burglaries in recent months.


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