New service Google Images: Photovine

Google introduces new images designed to service mobile photography and social sharing. Users tagged pictures and create branches Topics 

More from Flickr. Photovine Google launches new service social images. The "Slide", which Google acquired, went live on the site The site currently contains only home page, a video and can send a request booking service. The video describes the product presented a very general way. That can take pictures using the service by using your smartphone, add caption to a picture and upload to the network. The service's slogan "Plant a picture, see it grow" implies social interaction related to images, but no details on the form of use. The Business Insider gained access to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of the Service (the page is not currently available on the site) and published its contents. By page, the Vines' connect you with people through the ideas and themes expressed in pictures. Vine is family raised images that are connected via a caption joint created by you, by friends and by people from around the world. The more people add photos to Vine, They tell their stories about the moments, images and ideas that define our lives, that's the way social, creative and fun " Vine has to open a photo shoot, give it a caption, or add it to Vine exist. Other users will see the Vine and join him by adding pictures. Thus, if an image tag such people under the name "love" will eventually gained photos illustrating the service of people around the world how you define love (visually). Each visitor can see the pictures uploaded to the service, even those who do not follow the specific user. The service description is quite reminiscent of the latest images of service Twitter, which allows sharing of pictures and browse through pictures that share the same tag.Site estimate that if the service would be popular, may be combined in any way the new Google social network plus. Please note that Google already has an existing pictures service, Picasa, but is more reminiscent of such services "Flickr", whereas Photovine more like mobile photos services / social, such as Instagram. 


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