Is Google Plus has a chance against Facebook?

Facebook is not the most "cool" environment - this opportunity for new player 

So what exactly is Google Plus? Plus Google is Facebook. Unlike Facebook, does not mention Facebook. She just Facebook. I mean, Google Plus is a social network, and since Facebook poured the social network format fixed in the mind, and so well - plus she actually Google Facebook. And if it feels like Facebook, acting as Facebook and mainly looks just like Facebook - that's Facebook. Is Google plus a chance to succeed where Google failed three times before - with social networking service Orkut and Wave and the Buzz? Well, Google Plus has lovely features like circles (circles) and sparks (sparks). They are supposed to solve problems that exist on Facebook, like the fact that Facebook is hard to filter out information only for some people, because not everybody needs to know everything about you. But these things are like power windows and power steering. Eventually, a car is a car. And Google plus is on Facebook. Why imitate anyone Facebook will leave Facebook? Still, the social experience of Google's fourth - respect the tenacity - has a chance to succeed, but he did not do with Google. He tied up for herself and how she is perceived.That, contrary to all past attempts, this one vulnerable Facebook. Too many people are not satisfied with Facebook, which means there's enough people willing to give a chance for something new. There are various reasons for the lack of new web Seventh Kingdom. Some users feel uncomfortable sharing their lives where you are also their boss and their parents. Some feel they do not want to share the same room where their plumber also rotates. And then there's all this business of privacy, not to change anything in reality but changes the feeling. The bottom line is this: Facebook is no longer the coolest thing around, and some sectors it's not cool to be on Facebook. This feeling is accompanied by the data. Still tentative, still not one - not open to interpretation. Facebook's growth slowed last year. Surveys show that among the audience base - Young Americans - there's even a decline. This leads to a feeling might not sure, that this product, FaceBook, peaked its life cycle. And where prices begin to fall, comes the opportunity for a new player. The question is whether Google Plus she can exploit this opportunity. On the one hand, she has a great product, financial backing and an unparalleled technology and distribution capacity of no contest. On the other hand, Facebook may lose its luster since become start - up Alarm Antagonism desirable corporation - which is what can be said of Google. 


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