Amazon announced the Kindle Fire HD

Next model of the tablet from Amazon will come with screens measuring 7 -8.9 inch high resolution. Also announced a new e-reader

A host of new devices. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced at the press conference (Photo: AP)
Amazon announced a new line of Kindle devices. The highlight of the announcement is the Kindle HD - two new tablets high resolution, with a screen size of 7 inches and 8.9 inches. It's the biggest screen iPad is now competing for everything, when Apple is expected to turn from rumors and reports coming months to launch iPad 7-inch screen, will make it a competitor of the other device and Amazon's smaller.
-8.9 Inch model will feature the following specifications: dual-core processor speed of 1.5 GHz - Run, High Resolution 1920x1200, fourth-generation connectivity, speakers Streofonim with Dolby audio system, high resolution front camera for video calls, antenna and Wei - Pei improved Amazon claims that could allow media streaming speed by 40% higher than the iPad. Device with an internal volume of 32 GB will cost $ 499 and a device with an internal volume of 64 GB will cost $ 599. Device with connectivity Wei - Pei-only model will cost $ 299 with an internal volume of 16 GB and U.S. $ -369 device with an internal volume of 32 GB.

Now even at high resolution. Kindle Fire
The software also improved
The 7-inch model will feature similar specifications, but Mshonmc bit: Processor at 1.2 GHz and a resolution of 1280x800. These models will arrive version Wei - Pei only, no cellular connectivity option. Device with an internal volume of 16 GB will cost $ 199 and a device with an internal volume of 32 GB will cost $ 249. Both models include stemming technology blocks glare, which should allow to use the devices even bright sunlight.
Improved software for Amazon Whispersync technology, which allows the user to save the Location games and audio books in a cloud computing. She even e-mail software devices using their high resolution.
Kindle Fire HD models with 8.9-inch screen expected to begin to be marketed on November 20. The 7-inch models will be available next week - on September 14. Kindle Fire operating system OS (based on Android), has a series of upgrades and is now supports multiple user accounts and parental controls.
More Amazon announced a new version of its e-reader. Kindle Paperwhite offer an especially sharp contrast to his predecessors, including the backlight - allows to read in the dark without an external light to light. According to Amazon, the device battery that can hold a couple of months - even when using his lamp. She claims the device has 62% more pixels than the other devices and contrast high at 25%. Model supported by more than 179 advertising dollars, and the model no - cost 199. Model with cellular connectivity will cost $ 119 with ads and 139 dollars without. These devices will be sold starting October 1. Amazon taking orders for products presented right now.


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