Stupidity Without Borders: Apple asks for forgiveness

Letter exception of Apple CEO, the company seeks forgiveness customers the new mapping service problems, and recommends the competing

Apple admits defeat, asks its customers sorry. Advertise unusual move Apple CEO Tim Cook, a letter on the official website of the company and requested the Company's customers Sorry about the problems in Apple's new maps, which was launched together with iOS 6 operating comment. "At Apple, we seek to create products at the highest level which provide the best user experience for our customers, "Cook wrote." With the launch last week Maps service, as we have this obligation. We're very sorry for the frustration it caused to our customers and make every Shibkoltno to improve the service maps ".
Cook explains that over the years since the first version was launched in the maps app - which was based on Google's service - the company "wanted to create maps app even better, with options like voice navigation, voice control, looking bird and advanced maps." For this purpose, he says, it took Apple to create the new version of the application. This refers to rumors that Apple CEO Google Maps abandonment of years before the license was the refusal of Google to give Apple also use voice navigation mechanism exists in Android Google Maps.
The most unusual letter comes at the end. Although Cook claims that with each new user of Apple's mapping service is improving, it also offers its customers to try alternatives. "As we improve our service, you can try other services that store apps, such as Bing, mapquest or Waze, or use Google's mapping services, Nokia or by accessing their website and create a bookmark on the home page."
Cook concludes the letter by saying that "everything we do at Apple, aim to make our products the best in the world. We know you expect it of us, and we will work non-stop until the maps service meets this definition."


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