Youtube:Soon content channels

YouTube will launch a new design with an emphasis on content channels and a variety of issues, some of the content is produced specifically for the site
Google takes a step toward the television, the television companies took a step toward the Internet. Reported on Wall Street Journal suggests that the world's most popular videos site - YouTube, owned by Google, will change by year's end which will be formulated in some of the content posted to various content channels around themes - sports and art. The goal: to make YouTube a more competitive domestic screens - both computer screen and television, where he must fight now not only regular TV channels but also to provide Internet content services Hollywood content on demand, like Netflix and Hulu. The company hopes the move will also be the amount of time people spend on YouTube, who is now 15 minutes a day. Much of content of existing materials will be on YouTube, but some 20 channels will be uploaded every week the number of hours of content which will be produced specifically for that channel. According to the report, the company willing to invest $ 100 million to produce professional content, and already met with agencies to find Hollywood directors and actors productions. We note that YouTube already has a professionally produced content and, in some countries the site also allows rent movies, but the site is still considered as dependent primarily on Movie Surfers. While rivals Hollywood content owners are beginning to enter the Internet more aggressively video, YouTube apparently understood that non-order prevails site makes it difficult to use - it temporary. Arrangement of content within the channels are defined, performed by professionals and include content source, can improve not just the average visit time, but also the user's loyalty, which will return every week to see the updates channel.


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