Microsoft Sues Google !!

How the tables have turned him access to Microsoft antitrust suit against Google, claiming that the behavior of anti - competitive

Microsoft serves antitrust suit against Google. The software giant is about to file a formal lawsuit accusing Brussels Google of unfairly promoting its product search engine that it operates. Microsoft joins that some Internet companies who complained that the clarification is being conducted in 2010 by the Commissioner of the European competitiveness. Competitive behavior than the search engine, Google accused Microsoft of unfair manipulation of advertisements it displays and conduct anti - competitive software market Unlocked phones. Microsoft's main argument is that Google is impeding the search field of competitors (including Microsoft's engine, "Bing") that it is deceiving them difficulties to catalog index the information on it controls - such as the video site YouTube. Although Microsoft complains about the difficulty of developing applications for its smartphones YouTube (running the Windows operating system Phone 7) because Google refuses to provide technical information needed to develop it. Microsoft itself has been accused in the past several antitrust lawsuits in the United States and Europe had to deal with claims behavior pregnancy. Demand is particularly evident in implementing company blamed the Internet Explorer browser windows operating system, to create unfair competition in browsers. In 2001, Microsoft agreed to a compromise to ban her run some of the tactics she used in the United States. Europe, the company suffered heavy fines. Google spokesman Adam Kovsvic, announced that Google denies the allegations had done wrong that the company is not blocking access to Microsoft technology and the Google content. Further claimed that the company is working on an enhanced version YouTube would work better with all wireless devices and therefore will not have 'personal sewing, any platform.


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