GooglePlay: Slice reinvents Keyboard Virtual Keyboard

Virtual keyboard does not have to look like the real one. Slice Keyboard offers a concept of two pulleys that enhance the typing process
With the prevalence of tablets, the higher the incidence of those who have trouble getting along with their virtual keyboard. Android tablet innovative application did not bear them a real keyboard, but will offer a different style touch screen to type letters.
Slice Keyboard application allows the user to tap the screen quickly by replacing the two pulleys virtual keyboard (virtual as well, of course) filled with letters. Each of them has a handle and finger, so that both the user's hands are constantly on the touch screen and can quickly retrieve the necessary letters. So even though physically distant signal is interested in pressing her finger - which should shorten the process and increase productivity. This, of course, should not take you too long to get used to the new concept and control it effectively - not necessarily the subject is obvious, since we used a very very concept of a keyboard. To help new users learn the system, the company has created a version of the classic Space Invaders which uses the concept and helps to practice it.

The application price is $ 5, and you can see her demo this video:


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