Facebook: Wanna Be Secure pay!

Facebook testing a feature that allows to pay to ensure that a message sent to someone not in the list of members - reached its destination
Want to send a facebook message to the user that is not in your friends list, and make sure he sees it? Pay. Not all Facebook users know the Other folder, located next to the Inbox their service. In this folder are collected user messages sent by people who are not his friends list - and therefore often been suspected as spam. Facebook now offers its users eliminate this threat - for a fee.
The company began testing a feature that offers users to pay in exchange for receiving the message is not their friend - see it for sure. Facebook also change the filters of the mailbox - so you can set it to be less 'tough' with messages that originate not clear: basic filter will ensure that most of the messages sent to the user's primary mailbox will - if not were his friends. Second filter more stringent authors will mainly messages appear in the Inbox. Anyone who wants to send a message, not sure to fall on the right side of the user's mailbox the other (non-friend) - can pay to ensure that will be. "This test is intended for situations where there is not enough existing social signals (to bring the message main box - AL). Example, if you want to send a message to someone you've heard speak at the event, but not a friend or send a message about a job offer," said the company's post on the subject.

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Coming soon: Inbox Check with insurance

Solution to such situations: If a user is willing to pay dollars (or other amount to be determined) to his announcement will reach its destination - apparently it's important, and it's not spam - so the message can be transported safely main box.
"Researchers have found ad pricing is the most effective way to prevent unwanted messaging and messaging that are relevant and useful for the user," said Facebook. The company also announced that will limit the amount of messages that can receive user fee every week and that he intended only to private users and not to commercial entities.


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