Rupert Murdoch accuses Google: "Leader of piracy"

Tycoon Rupert Murdoch disappointed opposition anti Obama administration law - piracy and expresses it difficult squeaks Twitter

Blows tycoon Rupert Murdoch Internet giant Google. On Saturday, Murdoch used the relatively new Twitter account to tweet denouncing his company, calling her "the leader of piracy" and argued that she had too much influence over American government. This was followed by President Barack Obama's statement that the administration opposes the bill anti - piracy SOPA, which has been criticized that it Tznzorielit and contradicts the freedom of expression. Murdoch's media company, Newscorp, and other communications companies supporting the bill.
"Obama is collaborating with those who threaten the creators of software piracy, it's just theft," chirped Murdoch. Then accused Google is "the leader of piracy donates free movies and sells ads around them. No wonder it is investing millions in a political lobby."
Google publicly responded to these accusations in a statement. "This is nonsense. Last year we removed from the search results 5 million web pages that infringe rights and we have invested more than $ 60 million against abnormal ads. We are fighting piracy and counterfeiting every day," a company spokeswoman said. "We believe, like many other technology companies, the best way to stop piracy is a goal-directed legislation and advertising networks that will require payment to remove websites dedicated to piracy - as we did."
Yesterday (Sunday) squeaked slightly conciliatory messages Murdoch more. "Google is a great company that makes many exciting things, but have one complaint about it - and it's important," he wrote, adding more squeaks against the ease in finding pirated content.